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Melaka Historical City Council in collaboration with National Anti-Drugs Agency will organize the International Conference on Asian Cities Against Drug 2009. This convention will be held 17th - 18th February at Avilion Legacy Hotel, Melaka in conjection with National Drug Day 2009.

The theme "MELAKA TOWARDS A DRUG-FREE STATE" reflect the embodiment of cencerted effort initiated by the state and federal governments with the support og NGOs and other societies to actualize this vision by 2010. It is also the hope that this convention will be a medium for exchange of ideas and information especially to advance the knowledge and understanding the broad range of drugs issues and to present the tools that require in planning a drug-free state.


1. To sensitize mayors, representatives and officials of Asian Cities and State capitals relating to the escalating illicit drugs trafficking and abuse in Asian Countries.

2. To encourhe and provided focus to Asian Cities to embark on drug demand and supply reduction acticities to combat the escalating drug menace and related crime.

3. To encourge Asian Cities to draw up a plan of action to achieve the aim of having drug free communities and citizen.

4. To discuss and form the network of Asian Cities Against Drugs.

Who Should Attend:

i) Mayors of City Council and representatives of state / provincial capitals.

ii) Drugs related officials from cities / provincial capitals.

iii) Policy makers, drug demand reduction specialist and practitioners, law enforcement officers, youth leaders, parents and NGO'S.

iv) Academician, professionals and individuals.

Conference Fees adn Package:

The fee for attending this conference is RM200.00 for Malaysia participants adn USD100.00 for participants from outside Malaysia. Among the program are:

i) Spotlight the history of Malay Sultanate by cruising Melaka River (optional).

ii) A Memorable Melaka from the top of Taming Sari Revolving Tower (optional)

iii) World Heritage Cities at Melaka Hetitage Sites (optional)


click here to register

ASCAD 2009 Secretariat
@Melaka Historiic City Council,
Graha Makmur, No 1, Lebuh Ayer Keroh,
75450 Melaka, Malaysia

Phone: +606-232 6411 ext: 9712 , 9714
Fax: +606-232 4343/+606-231 7208
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