Welcome to the ASCAD Website

Warnest Greetings,

On behaft of the Melaka Historical Council and the citizen of historic city, I have the pleasure of inviting you to Melaka to particepate in the International Conference on Asian Cities Against Drugs 2009 with the theme "Melaka Towards A Drug-Free State".

The Conference will focus on the importance of sustaining the city free from drugs abuse and maintaining restrictive and humane drug policities internally and externally. With the effort initiated by the local authorities, the state and the federal governmets with the support of NGOs and other civil societies, hoping that this conference will become a kick start in realizing the vision by 2010.

In conjuction with the National Drugs Day 2009, we would like the Conference to be a great contribution for exchangeing experience and to make it impossible for agreemnet around the manifest.

We sincerely hope that participant, both from overseas as well as from within Malaysia will have the apportunity at same point to explore and experience as much as you can what the City has in store for you.

Selamat Datang !

Mr Yusof Bin Hj. Jantan

Mayor of Melaka Historical City Council, Malaysia

ASCAD 2009 Secretariat
@Melaka Historiic City Council,
Graha Makmur, No 1, Lebuh Ayer Keroh,
75450 Melaka, Malaysia

Phone: +606-232 6411 ext: 9712 , 9714
Fax: +606-232 4343/+606-231 7208
Email: mbmb.ascad09@yahoo.com
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